How to use duckdefender in your VM

Onprem runner configuration

Install docker on your VM.

sudo apt install -y (ubuntu) 
sudo yum install -y docker (Linux) 

Set the environment variable. (Copy the API_KEY value from user profile -> API Keys of FlyingDuck portal)

  • Method1: export FD_API_KEY=value (variable holds until session is active)
  • Method2: To ensure our setting remains after the session, we add the variable to $HOME/.bashrc for Bash.

nano ~/.bashrc -> add export FD_API_KEY=value at end of the file -> save the file -> source ~/.bashrc

Run the below docker command.

docker run -d -e FD_API_KEY=${FD_API_KEY} --entrypoint /bin/sh flyingduckio/duckdefender:latest -c "duckdefender -d" 

Go to FlyingDuck portal select the repo to scan

FlyingDuck ( -> Dashboard -> code -> Repository -> search repo name -> select that repo -> click On-demand scan


Select your required scan, mention the Branch name and click on submit.