User Management

User Management

User Management enables the organization and administration of users within your organization. Follow the steps below to invite and manage users effectively.

Invite Users

To invite users to your organization:

In the left navigation panel, click on User Management. Click on Invite a Member.

Fill in the user's details, including first name, last name, and email. Assign the appropriate role to the user. Click on Send Invite.

Role Permissions

Users can be assigned one of the following roles:

  • Owner: Has full read and write access to all organization data.
  • Editor: Can read and perform write operations on organization data.
  • Viewer: Can only read organization data.

You can invite up to 10 users at a time. An email invitation will be sent, and once accepted, the user will become a part of the organization.

Grouping Users

To organize users into groups and assign similar privileges. Go to the Groups section under User Management. Click on the Add Group button.

Name the group and select users. Assign permissions to the group. Click on the Add Group button.

User groups can be used for sending notifications and scheduled reports as needed later.
An example of a group could be a Developers group with viewer access, allowing them to check issues identified in the portal.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage users and groups within your organization, ensuring appropriate access and communication.