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Jenkins pipelines

Configuring DuckDefender through Jenkins pipelines

To run SAST on your code, you need to configure runners. However, if you are using Jenkins pipelines for automated integration and deployments, you can leverage this feature to set up the agent and perform SAST scans. DuckDefender can be configured in Jenkins pipelines in two ways.

  • In a new pipeline
  • In an existing pipeline

Ensure Docker is installed on the Jenkins server before adding pipelines.

In a new pipeline

If you don't have an existing pipeline or want to configure a new pipeline specifically for running code scans, use the snippet below.

pipeline {
    agent any
    environment {
        GIT_URL = "https://github.com/user/example.git"
    stages {
        stage("checkout code") {
            steps {
                git branch: 'main', credentialsId: 'github-credentials', url: "${GIT_URL}"
        stage("duckdefender code scan") {
            steps {
                script {
                    withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'fd-api-key-id', variable: 'FD_API_KEY')]) {
                        sh 'docker run -e FD_API_KEY="${FD_API_KEY}" -v "${WORKSPACE}:/src" --entrypoint /bin/sh flyingduckio/duckdefender:latest -c "duckdefender code --all"'

In an existing pipeline

If you already have a pipeline and want to integrate DuckDefender, add the following snippet as a new stage.

stage("duckdefender code scan") {
            steps {
                script {
                    withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'fd-api-key-id', variable: 'FD_API_KEY')]) {
                        sh 'docker run -e FD_API_KEY="${FD_API_KEY}" -v "${WORKSPACE}:/src" --entrypoint /bin/sh flyingduckio/duckdefender:latest -c "duckdefender code --all"'

Steps to Create a FlyingDuck API Key Secret Text Credential

  • Navigate to Jenkins -> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Credentials.
  • Select the appropriate domain (e.g., Global).
  • Click on Add Credentials.
  • In the Kind dropdown, select Secret text.

Jenkins API Key

  • Enter your FD_API_KEY value in the Secret field.
  • Under ID give your id name (e.g., fd-api-key-id).
  • Under Description give value (e.g., FlyingDuck API key).

Additionally, If you need to run code scan with flexible options you can refer to the CLI examples..