Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps Integration

App Registration

Before starting the integration, make sure you have logined to the azure website and open the terminal.

Click on "Cloud Shell" icon in navbar and type

az login.

After entering the command, you will be able to see the below and follow the steps as shown.

Cloud Shell is automatically authenticated under the initial account signed-in with. Run 'az login' only if you need to use a different account
To sign in, use a web browser to open the page and enter the code E******S to authenticate.

After completing the validation, you will get the details that are specific to tenant.

Download flyingduck-azure-integration script on azure terminal using the following command.


Run the script using the command

"sh --enable devops"

FlyingDuck app will be downloaded in to your azure. You will be asked for app registration permission either yes or no. If you pass yes, enter the name example-name for the app registration so that app will be created with that name.\

Custom role FlyingDuckAzureDeveopsRole will be created, this role will be assigned to the app registration with the application id. You wil get some details like :

  • Application Name: [name off the app registration]
  • Application ID (Client ID) : [some Id]
  • Tenant ID : [some Id]
  • Client Secret: [some Id]
  • Subscription id=[some Id]

App permissions

Login to your Azure DevOps and go to organisation settings.

Organization settings

After opening the organisation settings click on Users.


In the Users tab click on Add User.

Add user

In the Add new users section enter the name example-name you've given while App registration in the Azure terminal. Select all the options as same as shown in the below image.

Add App

After completing all the required steps, go to the FlyingDuck portal and go to integrations page.

Install App

On the Integrations page, click on Azure DevOps to start integration.

Integrations home

After completing the App Registration and App Permissions, select the checkbox that you have completed required steps and click the Continue button.

click Continue

Enter the mentioned credentials, organisation name and click the Continue button.

click Continue

Active Branches

Under active branches, specify the branch name as shown in the image.

Integration successful

By clicking on the save button, the branch name that you gave will be saved.

Integration successful


If you've created API Key previously you can click on Skip or else you can create a new API Key.

Provide a name to your API Key that your about to create and click on Generate API key

Integration successful

A new API Key will be generated that will be shown once, so store it with you confidentially.

Integration successful

Clicking on Next will take you to code scan section.

Code Scan

The code scan can be done in two ways

  • Workflows
  • On-premise runner

Azure DevOps code scan

Azure DevOps workflow

Select Azure DevOps workflow to configure DuckDefender in Azure DevOps by adding the yml file, that you need to download from the flyingduck portal for Libraries and Secrets information.

Azure Devops code scan

After selecting Azure DevOps workflow, then click the Download. This will download the azure-pipelines.yml file which looks like this.

      - main
      - master
      - develop
      - release
  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
  imageName: flyingduckio/duckdefender:latest
  - script: |
      docker pull ${{ variables.imageName }}
    displayName: 'Pull Public Docker Image'
  - script: |
      docker run -e AZURE_DEVOPS_REPO_NAME="$(Build.Repository.Name)"
      -e AZURE_DEVOPS_BRANCH=$(Build.SourceBranch)
      -e AZURE_DEVOPS_COMMIT=$(Build.SourceVersion)
      -e FD_API_KEY=$(FD_API_KEY)
      -v $(Build.SourcesDirectory):/src  ${{ variables.imageName }}
    displayName: 'Run duckdefender Container'

Add API Key to the Repository

Navigate to Azure Devops pipelines (Azure Devops -> projects -> pipelines) click on New pipeline

azure agent

You've to complete 4 stages. Under connect tab select Azure Repos Git

azure agent

Select your Repo

azure agent

Under configure click on existing Azure pipelines yaml file.

azure agent

Give your branch name, select file name and click on continue

azure agent

You will be able to see the file that you selected and click on variables

azure agent

click new valiable button.

azure agent

provide the Api key name, value and be sure to select Keep this value secret and click ok button.

azure agent

click on save button.

azure agent

click on run button.

azure agent

In pipelines a new job will be runned.

azure agent

After adding the file you should commit. Based on which branch you've commited, if the branch is included in the given file, the respective data like libraries, secrets will be sent to FlyingDuck portal.

Custom Branch

If you want to commit to the custom branch like feature/* or bug/* and to check the findings of that branch then include that specific branch into the branches in azure-pipelines.yml file.

      - main
      - master
      - develop
      - release
      - feature/*
      - bug/*


The debug option is used to understand what is happening within a particular command. If you need to troubleshoot, include this command LOG_LEVEL="debug" in the file.

      - main
      - master
      - develop
      - release
  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
  imageName: flyingduckio/duckdefender:latest
  - script: |
      docker pull ${{ variables.imageName }}
    displayName: 'Pull Public Docker Image'
  - script: |
      docker run -e AZURE_DEVOPS_REPO_NAME="$(Build.Repository.Name)"
      -e AZURE_DEVOPS_BRANCH=$(Build.SourceBranch)
      -e AZURE_DEVOPS_COMMIT=$(Build.SourceVersion)
      -e FD_API_KEY=$(FD_API_KEY)
      -e LOG_LEVEL="debug"
      -v $(Build.SourcesDirectory):/src  ${{ variables.imageName }}
    displayName: 'Run duckdefender Container'

On-premise Runner

Grant Read Access to the workspace

Refer this for On-premise Runner